Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I went to the doctor's office yesterday to get a blood test, which would confirm the pregnancy. My doctor chuckled at how early I was testing for pregnancy and he couldn't believe that I got a positive pregnancy test just 2 1/2 weeks after my LMP. He told me to call in 24 hours for the results.

I waited impatiently for the 24 hours to pass. I managed to wait an additional hour and called the doctor's office. The receptionist simply told me that the test was "positive, 855." HcG levels were 855, which was a very positive pregnancy result. Time to tell my husband that we were expecting a second child.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Two pink lines

I took a pregnancy test a week ago and saw two faint pink lines. "This couldn't be right," I thought and decided to take another test a week later. Today, the second test showed two distinct pink lines. My "little visitor" wasn't due until the early part of August yet I was already getting a very positive pregnancy test. I figured it was time to go to my doctor's office and get this thing figured out.